Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Sheila On 7 Live at Pekanbaru

Hari Senin tanggal 8 November 2010, Sheila on 7 tampil live di Mall Pekanbaru, Kota Pekanbaru provinsi Riau. Berhubung terakhir kali melihat Sheila on 7 live on stage pada tahun 2003, di Soundrenaline Jakarta, maka kesempatan kali ini tidak boleh menjadi "Yang Terlewatkan". So, berikut, adalah hasil jepretan seorang fotografer yang belum Amatir menggunakan Sony A330 pinjeman dari Agan Adi Nugraha.

Enjoy the pics..

Brian Kresna Putro (Drummer urutan 19 versi Rolling Stone Indonesia)

The Crowds

Adam Subarkah on Bass

Eross on Guitar

Magic Boxes

And of Course, Duta on Vocal

Brian Last Minute before Performing Live

Segenap Kru dan Pendukung, bersama Eross dan Brian yang lagi sibuk lihat BB

Demikian liputannya.. semoga bisa mengobati kerinduannya kepada Sheila on 7. Thanks for Visiting.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sebelum Lihat, Inivite Dulu (Mc Donald's Gate)

Terkait dengan banyaknya invitation di FB yang mengajak kita untuk menghadiri Event Melihat Keburukan Mc Donald, maka di sini ada sedikit ulasan mengenai fenomena Jebakan Batman tersebut.

Modusnya kita disuruh klik link yang katanya bakal nunjukin hal yg tersembunyi dari Mc.D.. dengan iming2 seperti itu tentu saja banyak yang tertarik. Dari mulai pelanggan Mc.D sampai orang yang anti produk amerika pasti tertarik untuk baca. Kapan lagi bisa tau kejelekan merk besar seperti Mc.D. sehingga akhirnya orang pun berbondong2 mengklik link tersebut.

Ceritanya belom selesai.. Setelah klik link, lalu apa lagi?

Ternyata setelah membuka link tersebut, pengguna fb malah diminta membuat event dan mengajak teman-teman di fb untuk ikut menyaksikan fakta tersembunyi di balik cara kerja Mc.D. Maka dari itulah, kita yang tidak tahu menahu, turut menjadi korban notifikasi teman-teman kita yang terlanjur membuka link jebakan tadi karena penasaran. Ujung-ujungnya, sepertinya apa yang dijanjikan di awal mengenai fakta yang tidak baik mengenai Mc.D tidak berhasil didapatkan oleh teman-teman yang sudah terlanjur membuka link tersebut. Karena itu semua memang jebakan.

Modus yang sama akan selalu ada. Beberapa waktu lalu ketika booming film Inception, saya jg pernah terjebak dengan iming2 untuk melihat kejanggalan di film tersebut. Sekilas tentu saja sangat menarik, tetapi tidak semudah itu. Ternyata mereka mensyaratkan saya untuk terlebih dahulu menekan tombol "Like" atas "Kejanggalan di Film Inception" di website yang mereka miliki. Dengan begitu di News Feed pun muncul sebuah rekomendasi dari saya untuk ikut mengetahui kejanggalan yang terjadi di film Inception. Nah, ujung-ujungnya, setelah kita menekan tombol "Like" mereka pun ingkar janji dan tidak mengantarkan kita ke halaman yang kita harapkan. Inilah yang kemudian menjadi semacam jebakan bagi kita yang sudah terlanjur menekan tombol "Like" pada website yang mereka miliki.

Lalu apa dong motif tersembunyi dibalik ini semua?

Motif yang ada dibalik perbuatan ini kemungkinan besar adalah untuk mengejar Meningkatkan SEO, Meningkatkan jumlah pengakses web (Trafik) karena kedua hal tersebut adalah segalanya bagi orang yang mengembangkan bisnis internet marketing. Adapun dugaan lain yang juga mungkin adalah untuk membuat server facebook menjadi down. Semacam flooding. Dimana dengan semakin banyaknya orang yang berpartisipasi menyebarkan ajakan untuk mengklik link tersebut, maka load server facebook pun akan semakin tinggi dan bahkan mereka berharap agar server facebook menjadi down.

Kedepannya, fenomena ini masih mungkin saja terjadi. Selama kita semua masih suka penasaran untuk tahu tentang skandal artis, keburukan orang atau kelompok, fitnah, dan lain sebagainya. Bahkan kemarin pun admin account Jualan Baju Muslimah di facebook turut termakan iming-iming untuk melihat skandal sex Lindsay Lohan yang dikabarkan beredar ke publik. Dengan modus yang sama pula. Sebelum lihat, invite dulu teman-teman yang lain. Sehingga semua pun ikut menyebarkan link atau berita yang berkaitan dengan keburukan orang, kelompok, karya, ataupun merk ternama.

Demikian ulasannya, semoga bermanfaat. Mari sama-sama kita bangun kebiasaan untuk berinternet dengan baik dan bermanfaat.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Graphology Personality

Graphology Personality

Trans7 just stayed up late to watch the program, there was a guest who can read a person's character based on the sign-her hands. This science is called Graphology. So I got curious and started looking for references about Graphology.

Based on information from the Internet, can be found that Graphology is the study of a person's character by analyzing their handwriting. The first book on graphology was written by Camillo Baldi, an Italian physician in 1622. In 1872, Jean Michon published his book which became the principal graphology books at that time. Shortly thereafter, the university of universities in Europe began to give her Ph.D. or Master's degree in this field.

According to research, analysis, graphology accuracy reaches 80-90%. So I think, is good also to make this handwriting analysis as a consideration reflects my character. Thus, the brief reference in graphology analysis that has not been verified by veiled Psychologist, I have tried to interpret how the analysis of characters that can be seen through my writing. And the results are the following:

1. The direction of the slope of the letter
Upright = restraint, emotion is

2. The general form letters
Sharp angle = aggressive, to the point, a strong energy>> in the signature
Round or circular = natural, easygoing>> Handwritten

3. The letters concatenated or not
Fully serialized = social, loves to talk and meet with people>> in the signature
Semidetached some loose = shy, idealistic rather difficult to build relationships (especially special relationships). >> In the handwriting

4. Spacing between words
Meeting / It is not = is not impatient, confident and quick to act>> in the signature
Is strictly = likes to talk (perhaps someone who is always busy?)>> In the handwriting

5. Vertical distance between lines
Enough away so that the letters in the top row does not come into contact with a line under it = extravagant, talkative

6. Interpretation letter 't'
Tend to a personal right = reliable, thorough, able to lead
Height = setting high targets but also be balanced by the ability

7. Direction of writing on paper
Rise / climb = energetic, optimistic, assertive

8. Pressure when writing
Stable pressure>> stabilize emotional intensity

From the above results, there is some analysis that was related to more than one analysis. This is because, writing in the signature style and my daily writing, it has a tendency that is not the same. Maybe because my knowledge of graphology analysis is still very shallow in order to analyze my handwriting. So its results are also relatively fine. :).

Thus this article, hopefully by reading this article, readers can be helped to read their character from the standpoint of Graphology, at this time.


Source: http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2010/08/membaca-kepribadian-lewat-tulisan.html

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Know Your BB's Signal Intensity

Want to know the strength of BB's signal on your places in numeric mode? Just press and hold the 'ALT' button and then Type "NMLL". So then you will see the numeric.

All I know, if it's beyond -80 to -100 then the signal in your area is weak.

To restore the previous mode, do the same command.

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dot Matrix Printing Issues

Recently, my team has found some of Dot Matrix Printing Issues, there are:
  1. Printing text is faster and clearer than printing documents using Image mode on this kind of printers.
  2. The problem is that Acrobat Reader doesn't call the DrvTextOut function, it calls DrvBitBlt instead.
  3. However, Acrobat Reader 5.0 calls DrvTextOut, but there is another problem.
  4. Driver cannot load font data associated with the PDF file, because font names seem to be random and they cannot be identified by GetTTUnicodeGlyphIndex.
  5. That's why you cannot have the same printing result from PDF File to Documents.

Best Regard,

Arki Rifazka, ST.
C.E.O PT. Camrifone

Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to use XL Network as Roaming Partner AXIS

Tips bagi pengguna Axis.. jika di suatu daerah tdk terdapat network coverage, segera masuk ke service status, change network selection from automatic to manual, lalu cari "IND XL 3G or 2G" pada list jaringan yang available di daerah tersebut.. Inilah yang implikasi kerjasama roaming partner XL dengan Axis melalui grup Axiata.. Selamat mencoba..
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Network Security System

Connectedness of a local network with various parties globally requires a variety of security devices to avoid the threat of unauthorized parties to access it.

In an open network there are several potential security risk at the level of:
  1. Operating system (Operating System - OS), such as viruses.
  2. Network systems, such as tapping on the data from the communication lines, and or to the internet.
  3. Applications, such as the destruction of the web, databases.

Aspects that need to be considered in managing a local network or intranet are:
  1. A network (Network Availability), backup system (Redundancy System), and disaster management system (Disaster Recovery System);
  2. A network security device ;
  3. Guarantee of network reliability on the operating network.
These three aspects need to be included in the contract procurement services (service level agreement, SLA).

In the implementation of security system, the traffic and information exchange must be regulated, which generally must meet the following requirements:

1. Privacy / Confidentiality
  • This aspect is related to the confidentiality of data, such as civil service data may only be accessed by those eligible.
2. Integrity
  • Data or information should not be changed without permission from the owner and should not be changed by people who are not in charge.
3. Authentication
  • This aspect is used to ensure the authenticity of data, data sources, people who access the data and the server is running.
4. Availability
  • This aspect ensures that the data and information should be available when needed.
5. Historical events (Non-Repudiation)
  • Aspect which ensures that anyone can not deny if he/she had done an exchange of information.
6. Access Control
  • These aspects limit or manage user access rights and privilege.

Various steps should be taken to ensure the safety of the things mentioned above:

Security Procedures
Establish policies and procedures to ensure the security of the system interacts with the user.

Network Physical Security
Using a Firewall, Intrusion Detection System, Anti Virus and Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Access Security
Using a password and Virtual Private Network (VPN) Server.

Authentication data / information that is sent
Using data encryption

Authentication recipient data / information
Using the Certification of Authority (CA) / Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Security data / records
Establish procedures for Electronic Document Management System

Secure the room
There should be Restrict access to the room where network equipment is placed


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