Connectedness of a local network with various parties globally requires a variety of security devices to avoid the threat of unauthorized parties to access it.
In an open network there are several potential security risk at the level of:
- Operating system (Operating System - OS), such as viruses.
- Network systems, such as tapping on the data from the communication lines, and or to the internet.
- Applications, such as the destruction of the web, databases.
Aspects that need to be considered in managing a local network or intranet are:
- A network (Network Availability), backup system (Redundancy System), and disaster management system (Disaster Recovery System);
- A network security device ;
- Guarantee of network reliability on the operating network.
In the implementation of security system, the traffic and information exchange must be regulated, which generally must meet the following requirements:
1. Privacy / Confidentiality
- This aspect is related to the confidentiality of data, such as civil service data may only be accessed by those eligible.
- Data or information should not be changed without permission from the owner and should not be changed by people who are not in charge.
- This aspect is used to ensure the authenticity of data, data sources, people who access the data and the server is running.
- This aspect ensures that the data and information should be available when needed.
- Aspect which ensures that anyone can not deny if he/she had done an exchange of information.
- These aspects limit or manage user access rights and privilege.
Various steps should be taken to ensure the safety of the things mentioned above:
Security Procedures
Establish policies and procedures to ensure the security of the system interacts with the user.
Network Physical Security
Using a Firewall, Intrusion Detection System, Anti Virus and Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Access Security
Using a password and Virtual Private Network (VPN) Server.
Authentication data / information that is sent
Using data encryption
Authentication recipient data / information
Using the Certification of Authority (CA) / Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Security data / records
Establish procedures for Electronic Document Management System
Secure the room
There should be Restrict access to the room where network equipment is placed
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