Monday, January 05, 2009

Bandung Emerging Historical City

Bandung, the capital of west java province, has so many historical site and building. Most of them were built at the time when the Dutch Colonial was in Indonesia. They are Gedung Merdeka, the former Concordia Society building; Gedung Sate (satay), formerly the Dutch Government office building; and also Bandung Cathedral, the oldest church in Bandung. These remarkable building were built in line with the colonial government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung.

On this post, I'll give you some pictures of Bandung historical building and the activities near to them recently. Here they are...

Somehow, these hunting session, changed into an amateur reportage of the humanitarian demonstration to curse the Israel's Aggression to Palestine.

Bandung Sea of Humanity Solidarity


Unknown said...

mas, kapan di bandung ?

wah ga sempat silahturahmi euy...

btw mas , nanya dong NEI itu masih ada yang ngusur ga ? mau ngurusin buat pemilu dong ... tapi yang jelas konsep nya bukan Pemantau Pemilu (kan sudah ada Kompi ...)

blas yo...


Anonymous said...

whooo kemaren dateng ke festival braga eh ternyata bandung dulunya bersih bgt.. hahaha

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